Discover how you are the key to help your kids lose weight in a way that will actually make the whole family stronger.  

Get the free mini-course, Lead Your Family To Healthier Habits.

  • Understand why the current approach to childhood overweight isn't working
  • Discover your role to help your children lose weight
  • Stop feeling lost and a failure as a parent
  • Creating connection and healthier habits for the whole family starts with you
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Be there through the whole transformation


Healthy kids, healthy family starts with YOU!


Connection and health, together

Who is Wendy Schofer, MD?


Dr Wendy is a board-certified pediatrician who has spent 17 years loving, treating, connecting with families in the medical office. A few years ago she grew frustrated with concerns that she wasn't really able to help families who were dealing with increasing weight.

The children were her patients, yet the parents had their own challenges. They faced resistance from the family, fears about their children's health, doubts that their kids could break a pattern that they had lived - was it all genetic anyway?

She started working more with families outside of the medical office, in the community, getting to understand the daily decisions parents were making.

Wendy realized that the medical approach to overweight isn't cutting it for a lot of families. She looked for other options and took a new path - incorporating coaching into her conversations.  She is a certified Life, Weight & Wellness Coach. Coaching principles changed her life, her relationship with her family - and opened doors to understand the challenges parents were facing. Now she works with whole families to lose weight and create health at home.

You Can Create the Change for Your Family

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